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Nizhoni Diosa Spirit

Moonstone & Sunstone Crystal Candle

Moonstone & Sunstone Crystal Candle

Regular price $18.00 CAD
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Moon Stone & Sun Stone

🌙 Stone ⋆ A magical crystal that puts you back in touch with your divine feminine and inner goddess, ‘Diosa Spirit’. Moonstone reminds us that everything is part of a cycle of change, just like our beautiful lunar moon energy 🌝 yin energy bringing love, peace and spirituality. Connected to our Third Eye & Crown Chakra, channels into our intuition, connecting to divine inspiration. Calming our emotions help ourselves, easing your stress & overreactions moonstone is known for its calming affection.

🌞 Stone ⋆ Sunstone holding the power of the sun, yang energy, masculine energy. Encourages independence and originality, facilitates self-empowerment and independence. Connected to our Sacral Charka & Solar Plexus Charka enhancing self worth & confidence optimism and enthusiasm. Bringing healing, protection, & success.

🌙 Stone & 🌞 Stone ⋆ These two stones are often used together harmonizes and balances the male/female, the god/goddess, creating a lasting unity. Sunstone/Moonstone just makes everything feel better. One feels lighter, brighter, more optimistic. It creates a centered state in which one feels grounded and secure but also high and light. It incorporates an inner balance within the bodies and systems to support the higher and lower chakras equally.
Sunstone/Moonstone also provides an energetic link that completes one’s own energetic field for self healing. It initiates a journey into healing, peeling away layer after layer if needed - to reach the core of your being - your authentic self.

This manifests differently for each individual but offers the healing needed at divine timing ✨


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Legal Disclaimer | The items at Nizhoni Diosa Spirit are handcrafted and should be used with intention of the buyer, are not to be used in replacement of professional advice such as medical, legal, psychological, or business nor will not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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