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Nizhoni Diosa Spirit

Aquarius Crystal Candle

Aquarius Crystal Candle

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Aquarius Crystal Candle
Handcrafted with Organic Soy Wax, infused with Amethyst, Aquamarine, Garnet, Calendula & Rosemary. Scented with White Currant
Element | Air
Planet Ruler | Uranus & Saturn
Amethyst is enchantingly calm and spiritual, bringing a gentle approach to the popular February birthstone. Purple hued and precious, Amethyst is intrinsically linked with the crown chakra and is an incredibly spiritual stone. For Aquarians who need to get more in touch with their spiritual side and embrace a bit calmer, this is a heavenly healing gemstone that will level you right out.
Aquamarine is the perfect stone for Aquarians especially when it comes to encouraging them to speak out their thoughts and their personal truths. Whether it’s standing up against someone more powerful to change a flawed social institution or resolving interpersonal conflicts, aquamarine encourages one to communicate effectively with truth and wisdom at the forefront rather than letting emotions and personal biases get in the way. Aquamarine is also a stone that encourages social responsibility, service, and justice, making it a perfect match for Aquarius’ value system.
Red Garnet seems to glow with confidence making it the number one January birthstone for all Aquarians out there. A flickering flame that warms the heart of winter, Garnet is said to be a symbol of truth, purity, and personal power.
top ✦ red currant, juniper
middle ✦ geranium, lemon peel
base ✦ black currant, peppermint
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