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Nizhoni Diosa Spirit

Labradorite Palm Stone

Labradorite Palm Stone

Regular price $15.55 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.55 USD
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Palm Stone Size
Transformation | Spiritual Awareness | Calming
A Mystical and protective stone, seeker of light ✨ raising consciousness and connects with universal energies, it can take you into another world or into other lives. Labradorite aligns the physical and etheric bodies and accesses spiritual purpose, this stone stimulates intuition and psychic gifts, including the art of “divine timing” bringing messages from the unconscious mind to the surface and understand their meaning. Labradorite is a good protective stone, protecting us from negative energy & energy vampires. Labradorite is very useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance. A stone of transformation, it’s prepares body and soul for the ascension process. Labradorite finds you at the most divine timing.
Astrological Signs | Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Planet | Uranus
Element | Water
Numerology \ 6 & 7
Ethically Sourced & Intuitively Chosen & Cleansed
Each stone has a beautiful unique flash
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